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Services We Provide

Scanning Electron Microscope (View)
Integrated EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) for X-Ray Analysis. This unit is used to solve failure analysis problems. Size and shape analysis, chemical analysis, environmental occupational and industrial particulate, asbestos identification, wear debris in oil, bulk powders, second phase features such as inclusions in metal, contaminants on wafers.
Infra Red (FTIR) Analysis with Micro (View)
Identification of polymers and plastics; identification and percentage of fillers; plasticizer type and content. Our new unit has a microscope attached for pinpoint IR analysis.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
NMR Spectroscopy is a research technique that exploits the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei. It determines the physical and chemical properties of atoms or the molecules in which they are contained. It relies on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance and can provide detailed information about the structure, dynamics, reaction state, and chemical environment of molecules.
Microorganism Identification
Performed via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and through Scanning Electron Microscopic analysis.
Ultra Violet Analysis
Biological analysis, Comparative Spectra's.
Complex Organic Compound Analysis
Product extractions and identifications.
GC/MS Spectroscopy
Volatile/semi-volatile contaminants and low level impurities. Trace contaminants in fuels and petrochemicals.
Microbiological Identifications
Total Coliform, Total Coliform Enumeration, Fecal/E.Coli, Fecal Coliform Enumeration, Iron Bacteria, STD Plate Count.
General Chemistry
Chemical Identification, PH. Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Lead in paint.
Radon in water, Radon in air.
Residential Drinking Water
Visit our sister Laboratory ETR Laboratories.
Typical Applications
  • Particle Identification
  • Asbestos Identification
  • Biological Oxygen Demand
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand
  • Process Water Analysis
  • Product Analysis
  • Competitor Comparisons
  • Plant and Engineering Problems
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Unknown Contaminants
  • Customers Complaints
  • Failure Analysis
  • Mold and Fungus Identification 
  • Non Volatile Residue Analysis
  • Lead content in ceramic cups, plates etc.. 
  • Water Content via Karl Fischer Titrator (coulometrically)
Your application may not be listed. Contact us for a for a FREE quotation on your specific industrial chemistry testing need.
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